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I remember a wall entirely covered with white paper, we had to make an autumn landscape in gouache with our hands and sponges. I was 6. Today I paint with liquid paint on large canvases stretched on the walls of the studio. My main work is presence painting performance, always carried out in the presence of a person whom I invite to the workshop. I initiated the performance Presence Painting at the Center Georges Pompidou in Paris in 2006. To date I have produced more than 70 performances with people I met in Paris, London, Berlin, New York.

After studying mathematics and computer science at the University of Bordeaux, I finally turned to architecture. I am a qualified architect (D.P.L.G. with Jury's congratulations)- director of studies - the post-modernist architect Jacques Ripault (MAC VAL). I also have a doctorate on landscape at l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences sociales of Paris (EHESS) - director of studies the writer and philosopher Alain Roger (Court traité du paysage-Ed Gallimard) and the sinologist and geographer Augustin Berque.

I uses to be a project manager in the famous Jacques Ripault Architecture agency. I created my own architecture agency in Paris before turning to private real estate. I was very close to the Navarra gallery which introduced Basquiat to France and the Japanese gallery Akie Arrichi. I created the Secret Art Gallery in Paris where I presented my presence painting works and other artists. James Arax

In 2002, I renovated an old barn in the Dordogne (FR) surrounded by nature to make a workshop to work away from the noise of the world. In 2003, following the passage of the two Lothar&Martin storms which ravaged part of France and my forest next to the workshop, I created a large exhibition “Storm 1999 - Care & Cure the forest” at the Château de Sédières under the patronage of Ms. Chirac.

In 2016 I launched the startup www.hypview.com to enhance art and luxury with mixed reality, particularly with Microsoft Hololens interfaces. (CES Las Vegas - Microsoft Lab Sans Francisco California 2018).

I study orientalist philosophies - Taoism and Buddhism and have been practicing Taichi Chuan yang form for almost 20 years.

Today I devote myself exclusively to my art (https://linktr.ee/JamesArax). I teach Openflow as a spiritual and pictorial technique. I would like to create a personal development school to share my experience of presence painting because it is a path to personal liberation.