James Arax
Theme: Flowing painting
PP60 XS3-The writer from Norway (21x17cm)
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Start sailing through the fjords with this XS paintings. A soft and peaceful atmosphere in your interior. With this artwork, you can travel between the light pink clouds and the amazing cliffs in the fjords of Norway...
DESCRIPTION & DETAILSTheme: Flowing painting
Series: Presence painting PP60 XS
Number: 3/26
Date of completion: 2012
Place of realisation: Paris Ivry-sur-Seine (Bibliothèque de France)
Signature: FACE James Arax bottom right with brown ink - James Arax red logotype bottom right
Mixed technique: Coloured pigments & ink on paper
Support: Paper
Size: 21x17cm-8,3x6,7in I Format: XS
...The hints of golden pigment are like rays of sun to underline the magic of natural lightning in these landscapes.
James added his seal -logo- in red to certified the painting and create an artistic vibration in the artwork.