James Arax
Theme: Flowing painting XS
PP59 XS11-The Architect (21x17cm)
Start to travel in these large landscapes where each pictorial accident tell a story. On the upper part we can read "Famam Extendere Factis" written with a lead pencil. There is the motto written on the matrix painting n°59...
DESCRIPTION & DETAILSTheme: Flowing painting XS
Series: Presence painting PP59 XS
Number: 11/20
Date of completion: 2012
Place of realisation: Paris Ivry-sur-Seine (Bibliothèque de France)
Signature: James Arax quarter right with black ink.
Mixed technique: Coloured pigments & ink on paper
Support: Paper
Size: 21x17cm-8,3x6,7in I Format: XS
...During the PRESENCE PAINTING performance, James always makes a series of small drawings on paper with the still fresh paint from the MATRIX painting (200x170cm), here " PP59 - The architect I Famam Extendere Factis".
The pen and ink signature adds a timeless element to this painting on paper.