PP53 XS18-The Vermeer's daughter
PP53 XS18-The Vermeer's daughter
James Arax

PP53 XS18-The Vermeer's daughter

通常価格 €270,00 €0,00 単価 あたり
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Artwork on paper from the series Presence Painting PP53XS  made after the Presence painting performance* session n°53.

*James creates an artistic performance called Presence Painting Performance (3P). It’s a new type of portraiture, an augmented portrait to catch the presence of the model. For each painting James invites a new person-model whose presence inspires him. PPP53 : «There was a special atmosphere with her in the workshop. The July light, the reflections on the metal bowls of paint, her pretty dress, the way she was walking in heels on the floor smeared with paint. I don't know why the title of the painting immediately came to my mind - Vermeer’s daughter. »


Theme: Flowing painting
Series: Presence painting PP53 XS
Number: 18/24
Date of completion: 2011
Place of realisation: Paris - Bibliothèque de France 
Signature: FACE middle -  in black ink, Presence Painting XS standard marking, circular writing, title and date of production - BACK James Arax
Mixed technique: Acrylic, ink, gold pigment, glue on paper
Support: Paper
Size: 21x17cm - 8,30x6,70in
Format: XS
Area: 0,035m2 Height: 0,21m Width: 0,17m
